Atomic Bong
Posters and postcards available on Zazzle
In the chaos surrounding the 2016 election in the USA, some legislation has slipped in under the media radar. There are now eight states in America which have legalised recreational cannabis (is there really any other kind?) This means that the US now leads the world in the decriminalisation of this stimulant, a fact worth celebrating. In Europe it is a rite of passage for many teenagers to visit Amsterdam the only place where marijuana is legally sold. So I imagine there will be a massive influx of young tourists looking to get high in America. With that in mind I have produced a series of saucy postcards and posters that name the states and illustrate their top tourist sites Then I added the THC attractions . Highlights for visitors. It is also an homage to the Baby Boomers whose time in power is now fading. They aged disgracefully leaving a controversial inheritance for the next generation. Look carefully though and you can still see their core beliefs being attained.New civil liberties and basic human rights, such as gender equality and getting stoned. Hooray! Wish you were there?